Doberman Pincer

Bruce Wayne

It has been 2 and 1/2 weeks since we've picked Bruce Wayne up from your care.  There are literally no words that I can find to describe what I consider to be, "magic".  Your ability to transform my dog from a silly, disobedient dog to a silly, BUT obedient dog is nothing short of epic.  While I had semi-minimal concerns that he may lose his personality, your reassurances have proven to be nothing short of absolutely accurate. He's a better, more confident, and easily manageable version of himself. And, every one of my neighbors (whom I talk to, at least) have been given your contact info...because they agree

Thank you,

Brian and Sara (and kids)

Birmingham, MI 


The Roweton Family – “Darcy” Doberman Pinscher

Darcy came to our family in July, 2008. We had carefully researched not only the Doberman breed in general but in particular her European ancestry. Thus we selected a breeder and were confident about our choice. In short she came into our household as a well chosen puppy and of course we fell in love with her shortly after her arrival. Then the unimaginable happened, ha! Darcy grew, and grew and grew. Go figure. 

She also became self determined, impulsive and strong. We tried two obedience regimes and dropped out after about three weeks.  The techniques did not make sense to us….or to Darcy for that matter!  My husband still jokes about having to carry pounds of Cheerios around so Darcy would look at us.  The stand-in trainers seemed to have little interest in all but the smallest dogs and younger children.  

Our wonderful puppy lost control over her behaviors through the winter. Worst of all, a Doberman really enjoys being a part of and being with their family. They truly are a “Velcro” dog.  She could not have that opportunity because it typically meant her crashing into doors, windows, counters, appliances, up and down stairs with no regard for what was in her way.  I came to feel that we were emotionally abusing her. She had to be outside in the cold or crated. There was no difference between how she was “maintained” and the abominable habit of chaining and animal outdoors to a doghouse with little or no human companionship. 

It was then I researched training options and fortunately found Canine Academy. Lisa met with us for Darcy’s evaluation and gave a very interesting and professional presentation. She also gave a sense of hope and promise for a successful experience.  I knew I would miss Darcy, but I also knew I was losing my dog. Throughout the time Darcy was in training, Lisa and the staff at Canine Academy provided pictures as promised and updates so I felt in touch. They even celebrated Darcy’s first birthday. She had dog friends she enjoyed and special activities wrapped around her training component. 

Darcy came home from her six weeks of training and I was frankly astounded at the difference. She is in control of herself and enjoys being a part of the family again. Lisa and Canine Academy gave me the dog that I had dreams of the day we brought Darcy home as an eight week old puppy. Most importantly, there was no doubt that it was all about Darcy. She loves being with us and her canine brothers, taking walks and being exposed to all kinds of training reinforcement options. She truly exemplifies the old saying, “Beauty is as beauty does.” 


The Brusen Family - "Rocco" - Doberman

As you read all these testimonials, we hope that ours is one that might also encourage you to take your dog to Canine Academy!  

     Our Doberman, Rocco, was a year and a half old when we enrolled him in the Off-Leash Program.  He WAS a good dog, with a great personality - but he only listened to us when he wanted to, and he NEVER came when he was called (unless we shook the doggie biscuit jar)!  And this was even after taking him to Beginner Obedience Classes elsewhere.  We have 2 young sons, and our home and yard is always filled with children playing.  Our greatest concern was that we had this very big, powerful dog that gave no heed to any command (most times) - and we were very worried that with all the children always over, that he may inadvertently hurt someone because of his sheer size.  We have a very busy family and work life, and trying to find the time to take him to classes AND to train him daily - just wasn't working out fairly for him.  We aren't professional dog trainers and we felt that we would be making the best decision for him in sending him to someone who is an expert, and who does this for a living!  Soooooooo, we made an appointment with Lisa and knew immediately after talking with her, that this was the place for Rocco!  She walked us through everything that would happen during his training process and made us feel very confident that while he was there, he would be treated with love and kindness.  

     When we picked him up after 6 weeks, we were totally blown away with how obedient - and happy - he was!!!  He was still our kind-hearted, loveable Rocco - but NOW he listened to us, and he 'watched' us, and he responded immediately and happily when we gave him a command!  The proof in the pudding came when we brought him home and let him loose on our 4 acre property.  He caught sight of some deer and took off running after them!!!  The command "COME" didn't even pass my lips, and he immediately turned around and came running BACK to me, as fast as he had been running AFTER the deer!!!  It was an amazing sight to see, and it gives me chills every time I remember it!!
     In the first week that Rocco was home, we joined Canine Academy in a spring parade here in Michigan where there were no less than 500 dogs!!  I had him off-leash during the WHOLE parade - with all those dogs, and all the spectators, and all the 'marching bands'!!!  He never left my side - and the smile never left my face!!! 

     He's still great with our sons, and our company and guests, and now we are more at ease because we know that if he heads off running somewhere - or starts to play too rough, we can just call out a command and know that he will respond immediately!  We take him EVERYWHERE now!  He's gone with us to the optometrist, to the shoe store, to the county fair, to the farm and garden center, AND to my son's karate class!  Imagine how cool it is to see Rocco at the edge of a karate class with 60 kids in it, all running around - and he's just calmly lying down, watching!!!  He makes us so proud!!  And he's an absolute JOY to have around!!  I can't tell you how many times people tell me they want a dog "just like Rocco!"!  And you know what I say back to them?  "You CAN have a dog just like Rocco!  Just take your dog to Canine Academy!"!  
     Sending your dog to Canine Academy will not only improve the quality of YOUR life - but most importantly, it will improve the quality of your DOG'S life.  Everyone will want your dog - and he will not only be loved by your family - but he will be loved by everyone that he is around!!!!!!  
p.s.    Another function that I attended with Rocco, was a luncheon at a local restaurant (outside on the patio) which was hosted by Lisa.  Imagine how impressed you would be to see 60 adults and children, AND 27 dogs!!!!!!!!!!.....all dining peacefully - and quietly - without an interruption from any of our 4-legged friends!!!!  (Especially with all that food around!)!!  It was a sight to see!  And something that made me feel very proud to be a part of!  My deepest and heartfelt thanks for EVERYTHING that Lisa, Gretchen and all the wonderful trainers at Canine Academy have done - not only during the training process - but also for the continued weekly support that is available!!!  You ARE the best!   Canine Academy ROCKS!!!!


The Putman Family - "Maxamillion" - Doberman Pincer

Six years after loosing my last dog and after months of researching breeders, I brought home my dream dog; a 9 week old, black & tan male Doberman; Maxamillion.
My excitement soon dwindled.  Max chewed everything and chased people, dogs, and cars.  He got into the trash, and even stole our food from the table as we were eating!!
I was at my wits end when a friend referred me to the Canine Academy.
The six-week program was the best thing that could have happened for both Max & me. Since training, Max now goes everywhere with me.  He goes to the office, he goes to my nail appointments, he is invited into my friend’s homes, we take walks every chance we get.
I could continue forever bragging about what a confident, respectful and pleasant dog Max has become as a result of his training.  I cannot even begin to thank  Canine Academy for all the help and support they have given.  Without it, I don’t know that Max would still be with me and I certainly would not have discovered how special Max is and what a pleasure it is to have him in my life.