My Amazing Calypso!
I never thought I would have an AMAZING dog! I was so jealous of all the other owners I watched with their near perfect dogs having fun while I worked hard every single day with Calypso and still struggled.
The beginner/intermediate/advanced training classes at Canine Academy provided her with all the basics commands using leash corrections and made her a good dog, but nothing I tried could completely cure her dog reactivity and her "selective person" behavior. I socialized her from the moment we got her at 8 weeks, so I just did not understand her behavior. I knew I did not want a dog where I had to strategically plan walks around non busy times in my neighborhood, avoid walking past houses with dogs in the windows or backyards, and worse, avoid having her around people and other dogs. I was doing all these things.
Because Calypso is a Rottweiler, I knew that any incidents would immediately be "the scary dog's fault" even if they were not. I needed a perfect dog. I needed more help. I needed the secret that these other dog owners seemed to know…. That "secret" is Canine Academy's Off Leash Program!
Let's be honest, Calypso always had it in her. She is the perfect dog! I was the one that needed the training and confidence! Canine Academy's Off Leash Program not only brought out the BEST in my Calypso, but also provided me training, confidence, and total support while I became the best owner that Calypso deserved! She needed the consistency and understanding that the Off Leash training taught me. Within just a few days of Calypso starting the Off Leash Program, she was a different dog. At the completion of the formal 6-week training program, she is a more confident and relaxed dog. She does not need to always be "on guard". She just chills and takes it all in!
Another great feature of all the training classes at Canine Academy are the online training videos that correlate to what is being taught in each stage of the training. I have spent many hours listening to them (usually in the car) to make sure I haven't missed something. And usually when I am having an issue with a particular command, I can find the answer in the videos. The videos are a great resource!
In addition to the training classes, I LOVE the Great Dogs in Action Outings! These outings offer several opportunities each month to use all the training and confidence we have gained in different settings with incredible support from the training team. The outings give both the dogs and owners exposure to the community (dog friendly parks, restaurants, stores) and opportunities to learn from and talk with other owners of Canine Academy graduates. Such a great community of people! I think the GDIA outings are such an important part of Canine Academy's training model and the success with my AMAZING Calypso! Anyone who had seen Calypso at the GDIA outings prior to her Off Leash training are now TOTALLY amazed at the difference in her. She is calm and relaxed around the other dogs and people. Of course, she is always happy to see her training team and shows her pure love for them with huge rottie wiggles and hugs.
The training team at Canine Academy is AWESOME and they all love dogs. They also have collective decades of experience with all breeds of dogs, personalities, and behavior issues. Plus, they are all great people!