
The Medici Family – "Rex"- German Shepherd

Rex our German Shepard had an attitude problem that was getting him in trouble.  He was a sweetheart in the house but outside he was out of control.  He had a two sided personality.  He needed manners and control.  We enrolled him in the beginner training class at the Oxford center.  The week before class was to start I called Lisa in a panic.  Rex was getting worse and I was afraid that I would not be able to handle all 94lbs of him in class.  Lisa and I talked about the Off-Leash Program and she setup and appointment for my husband and I to go over all that was involved in off leash training.
It was a long 6 weeks and we missed Rex a lot.  I really enjoyed he progress reports each week for Gretchen and the pictures that came in the mail.
Rex has been home one month and what a wonderful dog he is and I tell him that every day.  I can’t say enough about the training and people involved.  Our very handsome and loving German Sheppard now has manners and best of all I can walk with him and take him almost everywhere we go.  We all love that the most.  Thanks again Lisa and all the trainers.
Bridgett Medici