
Joyce & Steve Surchik – "Bugsy"- Silky Terrier

In May 2007 we thought we had gotten the cutest, most adorable puppy ever, thus the name "Bugsy" because he was as cute as a bug!  As this adorable, sweet puppy grew, we discovered he was really named for Bugsy Seigel, the gangster! 

He was a terrier with an attitude!  Anything and everything mischievous he'd do, including not listening to us.  His favorite game was chase - that's where we'd chase him around the house (the longest was 40 minutes) trying to get him into his kennel.  He was growing into a 10 lb. opinionated, obstinate dog ruling our house! 
We had a trainer come to the house.  After working with him for about 8 hours over a 2 week period, she felt he was un-trainable!    

My husband and I have chronic illnesses and this dog was overwhelming us!  We had heard an ad for Canine Academy and were debating about sending "our baby to boot camp".
Our final straw was Bugsy running out the door and through the neighborhood 3 times in 2 weeks.  We met with Lisa at Canine Academy and enrolled Bugsy in the Off Leash Program immediately!

Lisa made the 6 weeks without "our baby" comfortable, answering questions, keeping us updated on his progress and sending wonderful email pictures.  Upon graduation, I was amazed by his good behavior, listening ability and following commands willingly!
Bugsy "graduated" in mid November and will be 1 year old the end of February 2008.  He is still a very inquisitive terrier puppy but he is much more "adorable" because he now has manners, listens and doesn't run away!  We can enjoy our dog, company enjoys our dog, and we can take him anywhere!

Thank you Canine Academy! 
Joyce and Steve Surchik