The Soderstrom Family - "Piper" - Australian Shepherd
The Soderstrom Family - "Piper" - Australian Shepherd
There are challenges in having a dog that is smarter that the owner!! We had gotten into a vicious circle, I couldn’t be sure she would return when she went outside, so I wouldn’t take her out unless I had family to help me. She would beg to go outside or streak out if the door opened. It took a lot of time to get her back. Therefore, we would take her out less, the less exercise she got, the more mischievous she became.
After off-leash training at Canine Academy, we feel like we have the best dog in the world. We enjoy walks without a leash. We know she will always come when called. The training has enabled us to take her into the nursing home to visit Mom. We now have a gathering in the hallway of residents in wheel chairs and walkers.
Off-leash training has removed a lot of stress from our household and made our dog even more a part of the family.