
Reyna & Sameer Patel - "Kaiya" Siberian Husky

Kaiya, our Siberian Husky, is our first dog.  In preparation for her arrival, we poured through several books on Huskies and dog behavior and training, watched training shows on TV, and began to research obedience schools before our little pup was even born!  Several coworkers told us about Canine Academy.  One in particular had several dogs go through Canine Academy's  training classes and Off-Leash Program, so we just had to check out a class to see what it was all about.  We were pretty much sold  after the “sit-in” session with our coworker.

At just over 12 weeks old, we enrolled Kaiya in the Beginner’s class, and soon after, the Intermediate class.  The trainers really knew their stuff and dogs that were loud, annoying, and didn’t listen were taught how to “settle” and be quiet in the first class!  It was an amazing thing to see!   The trainers continuously raised the bar at each consecutive class session and by the end of each six week course, we could see marked improvements, not just in Kaiya, but in all of the dogs in each of our classes.  Many of us were simply in awe of how easy the trainers made learning for the dogs and for the owners.  During the classes, we had the chance to meet two recent Off-Leash Graduates and their families.  My wife and I decided that we wanted to take Kaiya to the next level as well and soon had Kaiya enrolled for her own Off-Leash Program.

Like other proud owners here, we were really worried about leaving Kaiya for the six weeks and were wondering if our puppy would even remember us when her training was completed.  The  trainers assured us that Kaiya would be OK and they even sent us tons of pictures during the training and made several phone calls to keep us informed of Kaiya’s progress.    She looked like she was having so much fun that our worries were quickly gone.  After taking the first two classes, we knew that Kaiya was in experienced and caring hands.  The six weeks went by quickly and the first day we got to see Kaiya was shocking!  We were presented with a dog that was so well behaved that we couldn’t believe it was the same non-stop high energy puppy that we had dropped off!  And the best feeling was that she didn’t forget us at all!!!  As soon as she was given permission to break from her Stay (she is a well trained dog now after all!) she came barreling across the courtyard and buried herself in our laps!

We have since been continuing our year long Off-Leash learning process and are doing very well.  The trainers have always been there for any questions and concerns that we have had since day one of the beginner’s class.  We have had the pleasure of attending several parades, the Novi Pet Expo, and other Off-Leash follow up sessions with many of the other Off-Leash dogs and their owners.  In the process, we have made some very good friends, and even Kaiya now has a best friend (her training roommate during the Off-Leash program) and playmate to hang out with.

Canine Academy has become more to us than just trainers for our dog.  They have been there for us every step of the way with advice, answers to our questions, and genuine concern for the well-being and safety of Kaiya.  As first time dog owners, I can think of nothing better than having such a strong support group there to help out.   The trainers also teach the owners how to understand their four-legged family members and care for them in the best way possible.  The methods that Canine Academy uses to train dogs really do work and are the most down to earth and dog-centric I have seen.  There is no fear or pain-based training methods.  No challenges for dominance.  No competition to see who walks through the door first!  The trainers understand how a dog thinks and behaves and have tailored their training methods to use the dogs own learning process and natural instincts to help them become successful in anything they are asked to do.  

My wife and I absolutely love to take Kaiya on little trips and show her off to the many naysayers that told us a Husky could never be trained to be Off-Leash.  I’ve lost track of how many Husky owners have approached us in shock that we didn’t have a leash attached to Kaiya’s collar.  They all wanted to know what trick we had up our sleeve and we proudly proclaim, Canine Academy! Does a puppy good!”  We walk Kaiya Off-Leash every day now and I find no greater joy than being able to let her run free in the snow and play like a dog should without having to keep her tethered to me with a six foot leash!  We have the confidence of knowing that when we say “Come!” she will stop whatever she is doing and move heaven and earth to get back to our feet and sit down.  With Canine Academy's fantastic training and attention, we are now able to take Kaiya to dog-friendly malls, on errands, to the post office, to the party store, and many other places.  She has even been an honored guest at several family dinner parties in homes that we thought she would never be allowed into!

Canine Academy has made our life-long dream of having a well mannered, well behaved dog that would listen without question a reality.  For first time dog owners, I think we now have the perfect dog!  My wife and I would like to extend a very sincere thank you to Lisa, Gretchen, , Jamie, Tim, Noel, and any other staff that we have missed for everything that you have taught both of us about being responsible and safe dog owners.  Kaiya would also like to send you all a very heartfelt “AAAARRRROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” for teaching her how to be a GREAT DOG!!!!
-Reyna, Sameer, & Kaiya Patel