
"Stallone"- Great Dane
Stallone is a handsome 1-1/2 year old brindle Great Dane.  I adopted Stallone when he was one year old.  He had spent his entire first year of life at the breeders, living in a kennel.  It became obvious after I adopted Stallone that he had not been exposed to things outside of the kennel during his first year of life.  As a result, Stallone was fearful of everything.   For example, strangers, strollers, basketballs, bicycles, cars, children, sounds, etc. sent him into a panic.  Stallone did not know how to go up and down stairs or jump into the car.  I was so eager to take him on walks and go on vacations, but Stallone could only make it halfway down the block before he was struggling to return home.  Once he was back inside the house, he would bolt straight for his kennel.  This was, after all, where he had become most comfortable.  After eight weeks of trying to desensitize him to everyday life on my own, I soon realized I needed help. I had heard about the Canine Academy through a co-worker and decided to take him for a consultation.  I don’t think I made a very good first impression when I was 45 minutes late for my appointment with Lisa.  I explained that I could not get my 130 pound Great Dane puppy into the car!  Lisa was very understanding and still gave me the full introduction to her Program.  She assured me that after attending the Off-Leash Program and continued practice, Stallone would have the confidence and training he needed to conquer his fears.  My concern was so great that Stallone would become fear aggressive, so I enrolled him in the Off-Leash Program that very same day. 
It was difficult to think about leaving Stallone for 6-8 weeks, but after observing the love and attention that Lisa and her staff shower on the dogs in their care, I knew I could trust them with my big baby, Stallone.  During the eight weeks that Stallone was at the Academy, he and I both learned the commands.  Stallone and I know have the tools we need to overcome any situation.  This entire experience has given Stallone the freedom and opportunity to experience everyday life without panicking when faced with new and strange environments.  Since graduating, Stallone has been in parades, outdoor shopping malls, trails, and goes on frequent walks.  This summer, he and I will be going to Florida and plan on taking long walks on the beach.  Everywhere we go, Stallone attracts attention and he no longer becomes frightened when approached by children and strangers.  Stallone will always be my shy, timid Great Dane, but thanks to Lisa and her wonderful staff, he now has the tools he needs to overcome his fears.