

Our dog, Josie, was a semi trained 2 year old Australian Shepherd when we first met Lisa.  She did not walk well on a leash and had a tendency to become very excited upon greeting people.  She would vocalize (we called it her "Whale Song of Joy) and jump up. She also had issues with fearfulness.  She was protective of her food and some toys, particularly with our teenage daughter. 

She became very concerned when people ran in the house or over odd things like my husband and I holding hands.  She would initially bark but if the thing that worried her did not stop she would hide under chairs or beds. These fearful behaviors were increasing over time.  After discussing the situation with Lisa on the phone we decided to enroll in obedience classes.  Josie was extremely anxious in class but her problem behaviors did begin to improve.  My husband and I began to see that the more training Josie was exposed to, and the more new situations, the more happy and content she became. 

We have had Australian Shepherds before.  They are high energy dogs that need stimulation.  Our previous dogs could get what they needed by twice daily Frisbee/ball playtime.  Josie needed the same degree of stimulation but of her mental capacity not her physical capacity.  She is not very interested in fetch. We decided to enroll Josie in the off leash program for two reasons: to accelerate the pace of her training so she would be the kind of doggie citizen we could take everywhere with us thus ensuring intellectual exposure, and also so she would become exposed to many new situations (such as the farm) that we did not have access to and learn not to be overly fearful of new situations. RESULTS: Since Josie has returned to us she has been much less fearful.  When she is fearful her training (such as putting her in her 'place') reassures her that we are in control and she is safe.  I can now take her to any environment where dogs are allowed and know that her behavior will ensure she is welcomed back with open arms.  Her relationship with our daughter is much improved which is a bonus I did not even expect. She is a dog who wants to please and now we have the tools to clearly communicate with her exactly what we want her to do. I am very grateful we had the opportunity to participate in this program and feel the program and the ongoing support has stacked the deck to insure our ongoing success.

- Amy Johnson



It wasn't long after we brought Copa, our Havanese puppy, home that we realized he had some socialization issues. I knew that he needed more than just classes once a week to help him. Lisa has helped me in the past and I knew she was the  person I needed to call. After 7 weeks with her he came back a totally different dog. Not only was he a well trained dog, he now had confidence in himself.

The best part  is that  we continue to train with Lisa a couple times a month, sometimes in different settings,  which helps Copa with his confidence and me with my training. My vet even made a comment to me  that she couldn't believe the difference. I know without this training Copa would be a totally different dog. I can't thank Lisa and her staff enough for helping us. 

The Henry Family 

" Floyd"

" Floyd - February 2015"

I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for EVERYTHING with Floyd. He is so much more relaxed at all times. We have gone for very successful walks every day and he sits and waits when I answer the door. His biggest corrections come with jumping on the couch or bed, since he was previously allowed. "Off" works first try every time. Then he ultimately gets invited back up. 

He can sit in his crate, door open, and wait while I have dinner on the couch. THIS IS HUGE!! My girlfriends are loving it. He's just being an angel and everyone that has seen him on this side of training says, "why can't all dogs be as good as Floyd?!?" 

We have a blast together. I'm very much interested in doing day training one day a week. I think it would be really wonderful for him. 

Really looking forward to everything from here on out! It's eye opening what a difference this has made in my daily life, I already thought he was so good. I really get it when you say "GREAT" dog.

" Bean"

Bean was trained through the Off-Leash Program in 2009 and continues to board with us when her family travels. They spend extended time in France each year and Bean enjoys her time with friends at the Canine Academy. Here is what her owners have to say.... 

Happy New Year! Lisa, it's like she never left! You know there was no one else to consider for Bean's care, you've known her since she was just 4 months old. We were at the vet and she was squealing like a baby pig in the lobby. You picked her up and said "I can fix that" and you did! You definitely have the gift of understanding animal behavior and PEOPLE! We still anguish over leaving our Bean but know everyone at Canine Academy is well trained, doing more than just a job, and she is getting the best attention, exercise and training. I'm sure she loved spending time at the farm and we thank you for that. The puppy classes, (where I think you trained me along with her!), off leash program, boarding with continued training made me confident that we were leaving her in good hands. Our squealing little piggy is now a Great Dog!

All the Best for the New Year,
Gale Adams
Clarkston, MI and Paris, France


The Rogers Family - "Zeus" Lab/Boxer Mix

 Zeus came into our Family as a rescue from the Oakland Animal Shelter in August 2007. He was approximately 7 months of age and was afraid of everything and everyone. He seemed to develop issues of fear anxiety and fear aggression. As he grew older he became more difficult to train. His issues with fear became intense and uncontrollable. After a year of home training, with no success, we decided to contact Canine Academy, making it our first substantial step in helping Zeus. We made an appointment with Lisa and the rest is history... Zeus became the dog that we knew he was, underneath the fear and anxiety that he had been plagued with for so long. Zeus is now the best Zeus he can be, and we couldn't have done it without Canine Academy. 

The "Off Leash" program has provided our Family with an obedient, confident, and well socialized dog. We now have the tools to help Zeus be the very best he can be. Our experience with this program has been exceptional. If you are having second thoughts in pursuing this program, please don't! 

We can never thank Lisa and her wonderful group of trainers enough, for everything that they have done. Lisa, we love you guys. Thank you for all of your love and support. 

The Rogers Family


The Davenport Family - "Cindy" Lab/Border Collie Mix

When we rescued our one year old Labrador mix, Cindy, from owners who no longer wanted her we had no idea the emotional turmoil she had been through. Our poor girl had at times been in a cage for up to 13 hours straight, had no personal connection with anyone, and was terrified to the point of viciousness of men. We decided to try the personal training with her first and quickly realized our girl needed much more than we could personally offer her with a one hour training session a week. She was just such a mess.

My daughter discussed Cindy's plight with Lisa and the decision was made to allow Lisa and her wonderful team to take her and work with her away from us. They were our last chance at saving her from herself and the neglect she had suffered before we received her. The plan was to train her for 7 weeks, but at the 6th week we received a call saying she was ready for us, and that we could make the appointment to be trained on how to continue the training they had instilled in her. When we first saw her it was like seeing a different dog! She was relaxed, she was happy, she was CALM, and she followed commands like we had only dreamed her doing. Cindy is a treasure now and is enjoying her life living on a lake with our other Labrador mix, Ralph, who she constantly makes look bad with her obedience and willingness to please. We don't know what we would have done without Canine Academy's help and are eternally grateful to them for saving our girl.


Maggie Morawski - "Duncan" Shepherd Mix - German Shepherd, Pit Bull, Beagle, Hound...who really knows?

I adopted Duncan 3 years ago. He was a stray roaming the streets of Detroit, afraid of his own shadow. In his mind, everything or everyone he came across was a threat to his safety. He was only comfortable with me and my Mom (his Gramma). I couldn’t trust him to be petted by anyone other than us. I was afraid of what he might do out of fear. Anytime someone came to the door he would bark uncontrollably and lunge at the bay window as if he would bust right through it. The clink of the mailbox door would send him into a frenzy. I couldn’t even talk to my neighbors across the fence in our back yard. He would bark and snap at them every time we tried to have a conversation. Taking him for a walk was a major chore. My arm felt like it was going to be pulled from its socket any time I’d put a leash on him. I tried choke chains, pinch collars, the Gentle Leader, you name it; he continued to pull right through them all. Getting him to come when called was always a gamble. It rarely happened on the first try. Duncan loves to go for rides in the car but would be so excited when we’d get to our destination that he would push his way past me to get out of the car first. He always liked to go in the house first, too. He’d never wait for me. He’d just bully his way right through. 

I love him with all my heart but I knew we couldn’t continue living like this! Either he was going to get hurt or he would hurt someone else and I couldn’t bear to have that happen. I tried training classes, books, video tapes and nothing seemed to work. I knew I needed something more. I found Canine Academy through their website after hearing an interview with Lisa Farlin on a morning radio show. After I started reading through the multiple testimonials, I was sold. One after the other dealt with the same problems or even worse and after they went through the off-leash training, they were cured. Having to leave him for over 6 weeks was difficult, but I was updated by email, including photos as well as being able to occasionally view him live on their webcam. It was also hard to part with so much money, but I looked at it as an investment and it truly paid off. This by no means was taking the easy way out! I am 100% committed and remain active in his training. There was a lot for me to learn and at first it can be overwhelming... but attending the Off-Leash Outings that are included for an entire year, you gain confidence and are assured of a successful outcome for both you and your dog. Lisa and all the other more than competent trainers put the power in the command, not in the person who is giving it, which made the transfer from academy to home an easy one. Duncan is still the same dog  but he is much more confident and relaxed and knows there is safety when he responds properly to my commands.

I now enjoy taking my dog for walks and I constantly get complimented on how well trained he is. He comes to me the instant he is called. I can have him wait in the car until I get out first. I can also be the first to walk through any entry way. At home, I give him a 'down-stay command' when anyone comes to the front door and he waits patiently and quietly until I release him. My neighbors and I can actually have a peaceful conversation over the fence while Duncan is in a down-stay by my side. I can also have kids come up and pet him. The benefits are endless and I am no longer afraid of his behavior. It was an unbelievable transformation. My only wish is that we had done this sooner! 


Colleen and Dave Matthews - "Gracie" – Lab Mix

Proven, unbelievable results – that’s what Canine Academy will provide. We saw them in action at the Rochester Holiday Parade: over a dozen dogs representing various breeds and mixes, no leashes at the time, all obeying their owners. That compelled us to look into the Program and we can honestly say we’re not sure who got the most out of the Off-Leash Program: Gracie or us. You’ll often hear Canine Academy talk about confidence and safety – it’s true. Gracie was the most skittish dog: afraid of people, terrified by pretty much everything. We knew the possibilities, but were absolutely stunned by the realty! Before, the two of us had to chase and sandwich our dog between our garage and fence to get her in the house. Now, we just say her name or give a command and she comes running. Before, Gracie would act aggressively towards the mailman and timid when new friends would come over. Now, we tell her to lie on her mat and she stays there calmly. The trainers walk you through what you need to know and provide follow up classes where you’ll discuss additional situations others have encountered, so you’ll know how to respond. We even called Lisa the first week we had Gracie back and she walked us through a situation over the phone (talk about service and guaranteeing success)! It wasn’t Gracie’s fault – we just needed to understand how to guide her. This program is an investment, but the only regrets we have is that we didn’t bring her sooner and that we foolishly took her to basic obedience elsewhere. Our former trainer used techniques we weren’t comfortable with, while Canine Academy takes a positive reinforcement approach. Your dog will truly be treated like one of trainers’ dogs and we can see the excitement in Gracie each time we go back. Seeing is believing … if you’re on the fence, come see the Canine Academy dogs in action. We’re so pleased that we’ll be back with our next dog and the one after that!


The Leavitt Family - Sadie - Lab Mix
My name is Sadie Marie Leavitt.  I was born on April 28, 2001.  I was put with a litter of pups to which I didn’t belong.  I am a black lab mixed with what I don’t know.   I was adopted the moment my family saw me.  As I grew older, I became meaner, nastier, and very possessive of my family members.  We went to obedience classes and “doggy day care”, but that didn’t help.  My master was told to put me to sleep.
Then we heard about Canine Academy.  I was enrolled the next day.  After six weeks, my master came to pick me up.  She couldn’t believe I was the same pup.  Since then, I have been happily residing with my family.  I now enjoy other people and dogs, and I am having a great life.  I am able to walk without a leash, stay in my yard with being confined, and I go everywhere my family goes!  If I can’t go on vacation with my family, I stay with my friends at Canine Academy.  If it weren’t for Canine Academy, I wouldn’t be here today to tell you my story.
Thank you Canine Academy for saving my life.  Love, Sadie Marie


"Stallone"- Great Dane
Stallone is a handsome 1-1/2 year old brindle Great Dane.  I adopted Stallone when he was one year old.  He had spent his entire first year of life at the breeders, living in a kennel.  It became obvious after I adopted Stallone that he had not been exposed to things outside of the kennel during his first year of life.  As a result, Stallone was fearful of everything.   For example, strangers, strollers, basketballs, bicycles, cars, children, sounds, etc. sent him into a panic.  Stallone did not know how to go up and down stairs or jump into the car.  I was so eager to take him on walks and go on vacations, but Stallone could only make it halfway down the block before he was struggling to return home.  Once he was back inside the house, he would bolt straight for his kennel.  This was, after all, where he had become most comfortable.  After eight weeks of trying to desensitize him to everyday life on my own, I soon realized I needed help. I had heard about the Canine Academy through a co-worker and decided to take him for a consultation.  I don’t think I made a very good first impression when I was 45 minutes late for my appointment with Lisa.  I explained that I could not get my 130 pound Great Dane puppy into the car!  Lisa was very understanding and still gave me the full introduction to her Program.  She assured me that after attending the Off-Leash Program and continued practice, Stallone would have the confidence and training he needed to conquer his fears.  My concern was so great that Stallone would become fear aggressive, so I enrolled him in the Off-Leash Program that very same day. 
It was difficult to think about leaving Stallone for 6-8 weeks, but after observing the love and attention that Lisa and her staff shower on the dogs in their care, I knew I could trust them with my big baby, Stallone.  During the eight weeks that Stallone was at the Academy, he and I both learned the commands.  Stallone and I know have the tools we need to overcome any situation.  This entire experience has given Stallone the freedom and opportunity to experience everyday life without panicking when faced with new and strange environments.  Since graduating, Stallone has been in parades, outdoor shopping malls, trails, and goes on frequent walks.  This summer, he and I will be going to Florida and plan on taking long walks on the beach.  Everywhere we go, Stallone attracts attention and he no longer becomes frightened when approached by children and strangers.  Stallone will always be my shy, timid Great Dane, but thanks to Lisa and her wonderful staff, he now has the tools he needs to overcome his fears.